Friday, January 7, 2011

A great weight loss day

    Well the scale has been good to me lately. Keeping off the weight through the holidays is tough but i managed to lose 3 more pounds through all the endless buffets and gourmet meals. Man its good to say thats over. New tip; try to get your metabolism to speed up. I have read a lot about this and what it boils down to is two things; eat breakfast that includes a real protein and keep moving. The breakfast apparently gets your metabolism a kick in the butt first thing in the morning. which also is a good thing i always seem to go to bed a bit hungry so i am definitely ready for a great breakfast first thing. The second is exercise not just for good health but the more muscle you have the better. Muscle kicks your metabolism up as well. Makes sense i know plenty of little guys that can eat and eat and eat and never get fat. Bastards! LOL.

Nice thing when you run into someone you haven't seen in awhile after some weight loss. It really helps motivating me when something is said. Note to self pay attention to the folks around me if they look smaller tell them. If everyone notices and says something about the whole world may one day be skinny!!!!

Please if you have anything to add please post them i know getting an account on here is kind of sucky but maybe your comment will help someone else.


Next blog topic lapses. We all have them...


  1. I keep waiting for another post......

  2. I miss your blog .. I have been on a plateau for about a month to 6 wks and starting to gain a little ... yikes ... so it's time to dig into the salads again (I was eating for cold weather I guess, a little heavier fare).
    Buena suerte! Boa sorte!
