Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Another Day

Well made it through the visit with family unscathed. Still holding fast at 61 pounds gone. I got some videos from Bob Harper for Christmas. You know the guy from BL. He is tough even my wife struggles with it a bit so i don't feel bad. Kiddos some crazy dancing thing for Christmas and i do it with them which is something i would have never done a year ago. Yay me...Tip of the day; Make every workout count. I mean don't just give an half ass effort you took the time and the motivation to get up and do it so do it with everything you got!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

I Won

Well i hit 61 pound weight lose today. It is definitely a good day!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I happen to wake up early this morning so i watched one of those infomercials. It went on and on about how you can eat more and lose weight. Just send them a pile of money and they will send you a huge packet of pamphlets and crap and thats its you'll lose weight. Well not quite that simple i guess they give you all this stuff to build a meal and exercise plan. WWWEEEELLLLLLL let me explain what angers me about this. It is simple physics burn more calories than you put in your body and you will lose weight.

Tip of the day don't fall for traps. They will hurt you and give you a false sense of security which makes you think oh i'll just get back on it tomorrow which equals cheating just a little here and there and BLAMO fatty boom blatty is back.

I do in fact use weight watchers which is simply a points counter that helps me realize when i am eating to much but is still up to me and me alone to fix it. After all i broke it!!!

Good luck and i hope you we can all survive the holidays without putting on any pounds.

Monday, December 20, 2010

My Friend

Tip of the day. Water is your new best friend. Use water when you get that snacking urge hits. Trust me its helps. Happy Drinking!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A New Day

Great news to day from the Dumb Scale. I am right on the verge of 60 pounds of me being gone. All i can say is WORD!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just Another Day

Well life goes on and the weight loss battle goes on. Looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in i have been really good this week and expect to be rewarded by that dumb scale. Well we went to our last Christmas party tonight and frankly i did very well. Tip of the day use the smallest plate you can find. Also look over the whole buffet before stepping up to the plate...Also start with your favorite veggies this will not leave much room on your plate for that nasty yummy stuff. Next tip; sit down next to the most talkative person you can find at the party this will in turn keep you talking and not eating. Just try it next time. Good luck

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fat Guy in a Little Coat

I just have to say i put on one of my old jackets this morning and it swallowed me. Sweet feeling. Tip of the Day;  Think ahead! I know its a pain but prep some healthy food for those busy times. I make a little extra when i cook anything and throw it in the fridge for those days when i'm really not feeling it...iy works out pretty well.

Happy Losing!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Its just about moving

Just thought of another great tip. MOVE! i have finally gotten myself to except that i have to work out everyday...well maybe your not ready to work out everyday but something you can do is commit to move more. Take a walk, do some sit ups, leg lifts anything, you can even grab a can of soup and curl it while you watch T.V. I learned that from a friend of mine's Dad when i was a kid. He had the biggest bicep i ever saw, of course i was just a kid. But they were big.

So like i said just something to do and MOVE!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

biggest loser

I just have to say Biggest Loser has been quite an inspiration to me. It seems like every Tuesday has been my best workouts knowing i had to watch those folks dropping mad weight.


Anybody have a clue how to get this blog out there so people can find it???


Well i have found a new push to get moving again. Thanks to a haywire scale, it must be broken LOL. Anyway, so i am back at working out hard the last two days probably harder than i have ever worked out. At least that is what my body feels like anyway. The good news i got time to go back to the old workout i use to do and well it wasn't hard at all. I hardly broke a sweat. So i had to add to it which in turn made me feel great and like all this has actually paid off. So i said there would be some tips on here so here we go;

I know you have heard it a million times but don't give up. -I mean i have many times that i can stand it and want to eat like a maniac and i sometimes do...dum...dum...dum... I think anybody who tells you just stop has lost their mind and hasn't ever really had a real habit to break. Mine the comfort of food!

I have definitely changed my eating habits and IT IS NOT EASY! but small changes here and there have really paid off. I can honestly say the best thing in this whole process for me has been Vicky. She inspires me, pushes me, and yes sometimes bugs me but it's all for the best and i love her for it So start reading articles and such then take one little thing from each one that of course makes sense for yourself. Pretty soon you'll be looking at things in a whole different light. One thing i have fell in love with i picked up from a great friend of mine and its nuts. They are oddly enough very satisfying try it if you like.


So here i am 6 months and 50 pounds lighter and the wieght has really started to battle me. Not really gaining or losing much i have started back on the wieght watchers online thing. If your not familiar with it i will explain. I use the site and i put in all my intake for the day. I have a points balance for each day with a few extra points for the week. I sometimes have a hard time putting in the info well frankly cause it's a pain.

Getting Started

Well i am finally going to do it. I have been talking about writing about my wieght loss journey since 50 pounds ago. I want this to be a place for people to read a and share in their journey. Maybe picking up some tips along the way.
 First off i am a 35 year old guy who has been fat or the denial words "Big Boned" for a long time, untill recently. It all started probably 6 months ago after hitting 305 pounds and taking 8 different medications. and my doctor was stumped on what type of medication to put me on next i just flat out had enough. I was ready to take my life back so i did...
I will use this blog as kind of journal to track and hopefully inspire someone along the way.